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Student Life

The Department of Student Life strives to provide a variety of quality services and programs to enhance the university experience and complements Cleveland State University's academic mission. A highly trained staff of professionals is available to support students from their first day on campus to the completion of their academic goals. Services include leadership training, support of recognized university student organizations, judicial affairs, campus activities, and many other programs and services that support the successful matriculation of all students. 

Thank you for your support!

Alumni Class Year by Decade
CSU has over 112,000 living alumni! Which decade will prove to have the most philanthropic Vikings?
In which decade did you graduate?
Rank Answer Gifts
1 2010s 231
2 2000s 107
3 '90s 90
4 '80s 83
5 '70s 81
6 2020s 49
7 '60s 23
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